Collin College Announces Recipients of NISOD Excellence Awards

Collin College announced its recipients of the annual NISOD (National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) Excellence Awards. NISOD’s Excellence Awards recognize men and women who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment and contribution to their students and colleagues.


Collin College’s honorees for 2016 include: Sherry Rhodes, professor of speech; Chris Morgan, professor of audio engineering; Deborah Cardenas, professor of biology; Linda Kapocsi, chair and professor of ESL; Sean Geraghty, professor of foreign languages; Karen Musa, professor of culinary arts; Andrea Szlachtowski, professor of computer-aided drafting; Mindi Bailey, professor of humanities; Amy L. Greene, professor of speech; and Kathleen Blust, professor of nursing.

Excellence Award recipients will be celebrated at a special dinner during NISOD’s annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, May 28-31, in Austin. Each Excellence Award recipient receives a specially-cast, pewter medallion hung on a burnt-orange ribbon. The names, titles and colleges of all Excellence Award recipients are included in a special booklet that features congratulatory ads from many of the recipients’ colleges. In addition, presentations at the conference involving Excellence Award recipients are indicated in the conference program with a special icon.

NISOD hosted its first ceremony honoring Excellence Award recipients in 1989, in connection with a University of Texas at Austin national study of teaching excellence. The response to that ceremony was so positive that NISOD began what has become the largest and most inspiring gathering that recognizes the contributions and achievements of community and technical college faculty, administrators and staff.

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