Plano wins $310k in Landscape Award

The City of Plano recently won the Governor’s Community Achievement Landscape Award for category 10 (population of 180,001+). Award is for $310,000.


For more than two decades, Keep Texas Beautiful, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), has awarded the prestigious Governor’s Community Achievement Awards (GCAA) to ten Texas communities with the best grassroots environmental programs in the state each year. The competition distributes $2 million in funding from TxDOT across the 10 communities, with the amount based on population size. The funds are used for landscaping projects along local rights-of-way.

A community’s environmental program is judged on achievements in seven areas:

  1. Community Leadership and Coordination
  2. Public Awareness
  3. Education
  4. Beautification and Community Improvement
  5. Litter Prevention and Cleanup
  6. Solid Waste Management
  7. Litter Law and Illegal Dumping Enforcement
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