Collin County population projected to double by 2030

It’s 2017. Imagine 2030. In a mere 13 to 14 more years, another Collin county might add to the existing one.


According to presentation given by Collin County judge Keith Self, Collin county’s current population is about 900,000. The chart above (from the presentation) depicts Collin County doubling in population before 2030, and becoming the most populous county in the Metroplex before 2050, with a population of some 3.5 million.

Other stats:

  • From 2010-16 the state of Texas saw a 10.8 percent population increase, leaving behind other growing states such as California, Florida and Washington.
  • States-wise, from January 2009 to December 2016, California, Texas, Florida and New York have added the most number of jobs. California led with about 23% and Texas’ share was about 20%.

Link to Presentation slides:

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